
Besides praying for others, these are ways that you may be directly or indirectly involved in helping the community both near and far.

Using your time, talents, and gifts both financial and spiritual, you can be the hands and feet of Jesus to help our neighbors as God would have us. 


Unity Center is a community center in East Cleveland organized as a ministry of Broad Street UMC in 1998.  

The center offers a 4-day after school program (K-12), a youth leadership development program, DAWN youth group, summer day camps and Wonders in the Woods tent camps, programs in parent and family relations, young adult intern training program and immigration advocacy.

In this Christian environment we seek to live and demonstrate Christ-like values and ethics and responsible living within the community and in the world.  

Through all programming we work toward teaching life skills and providing enrichment.


Unity Center is always in need of volunteers as tutors, special interest group leaders, snack preparers or providers, family or student mentors, and in assistance in facility needs.  


Financial support is needed and necessary to continue this life-changing ministry.

Unity Center seeks to build hope and opportunity by promoting educational, social and spiritual growth for all.



MISSION TRIP are taken by a team of 8-12 twice a year into San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

About 1000 people are seen in the medical clinic which is in the rear of the church we built in Morazan, Honduras, a number of years ago.  

Dr. Bill Johnson, retired surgeon, heads this program.

The clinic is open year round supported by our church.

We have Bible school several times a week if we have a large enough team.

The children love this.
We do various construction projects ranging from laying floors, painting, building full classrooms for the church, and refurbishing furniture.

In February of each year, we have been partnering with the Sunrise Rotary Club of Cleveland to install a clean, water system in several smaller communities.


Family Promise

Family Promise is an organization that works to respond to the growing need to provide shelter, meals, and support services to children and their families facing homelessness in Bradley County, partnering with volunteers, churches, and businesses.

Our missions to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community- based response.

We  provide shelter, meals, and support services.

We believe families should stay together—not be separated—during the most difficult times in their lives.

Family Promise Statistic : More than 74% of the families we serve find housing in less than nine weeks because of our intensive case management and community support.

Our volunteers don’t stop at shelter, meals, and support services. We have created programs for housing, homelessness prevention, health care, life skills, and mentoring.

We help people understand what life in poverty is like. Family Promise builds greater understanding of problems — and of solutions.

Broad Street supports and partners with Family Promise!


As a host church in the Family Promise of Bradley County’s network, we host homeless families once each quarter.  During each Host Week our guests eat, have fellowship and sleep in the basement area beneath the sanctuary. 

Church volunteers prepare meals, serve as Evening hosts and Overnight Hosts. Please contact Family Promise Team members Alan Goslen to volunteer during our next Host Week.


Helping Hands

HELPING HANDS MINISTRY is a local ministry where a number of our people do home projects ranging from building outside ramps to painting and small repairs for those who have the need and no way to get this done.  

For more information contact the church 476-5586 to be directed to Dr. Bill Johnson.    


Benevolence MINISTRY

The benevolence ministry was created in 2011 to meet an immediate financial need of one of our church members who was terribly ill- it was a reactive ministry that we decided to turn into a proactive and ongoing ministry.

The purpose of the ministry is to provide financial assistance to Broad Street's church families or individuals in times of financial crises.

In order to fund our ministry, our ministry team has one or two fundraisers each year- the most visible of which is our annual indoor rummage sale - we depend on our church families to support our efforts by donating time and treasure - our families have never let us down, and we deeply appreciate their help in making our team the hands and feet of Christ - our team loves this ministry and this ministry loves the people of our church.

If a need arises, you may access our ministry by asking a pastor or staff member for an application or by contacting Barry O'Neal, the ministry leader.


Holston Home

Many children who come to Holston Home carry the weight of world on their shoulders.

They come broken and abandoned and most of the time feeling like the “least of these.”

Holston Home is situated on 155 acres of gently rolling hillside in Greeneville, TN.  With 170 employees in service locations in Greeneville, Johnson City, Knoxville and Chattanooga, TN., and a Family Service Center in Bristol, Va.  Holston Home is in the ministry of helping children.

The goal of Holston Home is to help children and families overcome hardships in their lives.

Sometimes, children are unable to live at home, and Holston Home provides one.

The goal is always to do what is best for the children whether its reuniting with family, adoption, or successfully transitioning to adulthood.  

Our professional staff work to strengthen families and we help children overcome any emotional traumas or other hardships they may have experienced.

None of this could have ever happened without the full support and love and prayers of members of the United Methodist churches in the Holston Conference, and friends like you.