Adults share life together as followers of Jesus by supporting and inviting one another into prayer, faith formation, fellowship, and opportunities for outreach.
Doing Life Together
Sundays 9:30am - 10:30am
A community for people of all stages in their 20s - 50s, largely consisting of parents of children and youth. Meets in room 105.
A unique blend of personalities, each contributing greatly to the class. Lessons are heavy on class discussion and emphasize modern Biblical scholarship. Meets in room 102.
A class for singles and married couples over 50 who study the scriptures with outside references and study guides that lean to the orthodox, evangelical view. Meets in room 102.
An older men’s class that uses the Bible each week as a guide for lessons. Meets in room 114, the Chapel.
A very caring class made up of singles and married couples with school age children and empty-nesters. Meets in room 101, the Cheri Jackson Room.
A ladies class with ages from middle to mature. These ladies are pursuing the Adult Bible Study series and enjoying the small group setting. Meets in room 115.
Wesley Fellowship
This class has lessons that range from Biblical studies to contemporary issues in the headlines and stimulate open discussion. Meets in LL 101.
As a class, we seek to know God through reading and studying His Holy Word and aim to love others as Jesus loves. Meets in Parish. Drop-ins welcome.
All curriculum is Biblically based and designed to help students build a strong faith foundation!
A class designed to help young people (generally 6'th graders) claim faith for themselves that culminates in the opportunity to make a public profession of faith and join the church. A separate class is offered for parents/guardians.
AGE : infant-5th grade CONTACT :
AGE : 6th-high school CONTACT :
The journey of following Jesus includes ongoing study of scripture. Opportunities for small groups are listed below. Contact the church office (476-5586) to join a study or to discuss starting something new.
BSUMC Women's Ministry offers Bible study. Contact the church office for time and location.
(423) 476-5586
Tuesday Morning Bible Studies Group Meets on Tuesdays at 9:30 am in the Cheri Jackson Room. Please call church for availability as we meet periodically in the summer.
Ladies Tuesday Evening Lenten Study You’re invited to join us for a study of Ann Voskamp’s new devotional “Loved to Life”, a 40 day spiritual pilgrimage following the life of Jesus through the Gospel of John. We will be meeting Tuesday nights @ 6 pm in the BSUMC Library beginning March 11. Entrance will be “streetside” on Broad Street, directly across from Gardner’s Market. There is no need to register, just order your book and begin daily readings on your own prior to our first meeting on Tuesday, March 11. Contact Jean Jordan through the church office if you have any questions.