The Memorial Garden is designed to provide a space for interment of ashes of deceased members of the Broad Street United Methodist Church family. In the past, cemeteries were often located on church grounds. It is appropriate that a space in the garden in the midst of the vibrant life of the church be provided to celebrate the transformation from life on earth to life everlasting within the Church Triumphant. It is a place of reflection and tribute.


The ashes are placed directly into the soil and become a part of the garden as a living tribute to the life of the loved one. No containers are interred. The precise location of the burial site is not marked and is therefore known only to those present at the commitment service.



Broad Street United Methodist Church should be notified as soon as possible when a death occurs. The family should contact the funeral home to make arrangements for cremation. The church will furnish a recepticle for the ashes for use during the service. The memorial service may be held in the church, followed by a procession to the Memorial Garden for the committal of the ashes.


Application for burial in the Memorial Garden may be made in the church office. There are forms to fill out and a fee for interment. For questions concerning arrangements without a pre-registered request, you may contact the current Memorial Garden Committee Chairperson and/or the BSUMC Pastor. The requesting party must be recognized by the laws of the State of Tennessee as the person legally responsible for the ashes.



The fee for the interment of ashes shall be paid prior to the time of garden use. The cost of $400.00 covers the individual name/date plate and garden maintenance.


All Broad Street United Methodist Church members --past and present, their spouses, children, grandchildren, and parents--are eligible for interment in the garden. Exceptions will be considered at the discretion of the BSUMC pastor and Memorial Garden Committee.



The name of each person whose ashes are committed in the garden will be inscribed on an individual bronze nameplate, along with the date of birth and of death. No titles will be inscribed. This plate will be attached to the large, permanent memorial plaque located on the columns beside the garden. The nameplates will be purchased and affixed in the order of use with no provisions for space reservations. This nameplate shall be the only individual marker allowed in the garden; no floral arrangements, other decorations, or paintings will be allowed within the garden area. A book of memories of those whose ashes are committed will be maintained by the BSUMC History Committee.


Memorial gifts are welcomed and may be made to the church at any time. These funds will be placed in the Memorial Garden Fund, reserved for any additional costs associated with the establishment and perpetual care of the garden area.



The memorial garden is a living reminder that “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses” inspiring us to “lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely and run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith”. The garden is a living witness calling us to be faithful in easy and difficult times so that we “may not grow weary or lose heart” (Hebrews 12).