8:30 am Living Water Living Spirit Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:45 am Traditional Worship
10:45 am Contemporary Worship
8:30 am Living Water Living Spirit Worship
9:30 am Sunday School
10:45 am Traditional Worship
10:45 am Contemporary Worship
Chancel Choir - serves as the choir for the 10:45 Traditional Worship Service. This choir prepares music selections from standard choral literature, including classical, spirituals, and hymn arrangements by both contemporary and historic composers. We rehearse Wednesday nights @ 7:20pm year-round.
Living Water Living Spirit
Service at 8:30am
LWLS Praise Band rehearses Sunday Mornings at 8 am in Triplett Hall. The music is older hymns and contemporary songs played on piano, acoustic guitars, and mandolins .
Contemporary Praise Band
Rehearses at 6:00pm on Thursday nights.
Contact Chris Dennison for inquiries if you are interested in joining. chris@bsumc.org
Students in grades 6-12 come together for singing and fellowship with the N-Light-N Choir during the school year. They youth choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and sings at least one time per month in our worship services. Please contact Jan Murphy for more info through the church office. (423) 476- 5586
Wednesday night rehearsals for the winter season will begin on January 15.
All children, grades Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate in the program called "FAMILY", which will be presented on Sunday evening, March 2 at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary. We will combine with a group from Unity Center Future after-school program on that day! This is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with our Unity family. Here are the details of what is happening:
7 weeks of Wednesday nights - January 15 - Feb. 26
K-5 Kids: 5:30 - 6:30 rehearsal for all 7 songs, which include dance/movements, handchimes, rhythm instruments and reading parts. EVERY CHILD will have the opportunity to have a special part in the program; either as a dancer, chimer, drummer, or reader. And we will invite our kids to work on an art design for the poster and program cover. Please plan to have your child there for the whole hour if possible, so they can get the whole message and experience together. "Family" is not just for singers! If you need to arrive at 6:00 let Mrs. Cynthia know. Come when you can! We will break out the small groups (DANCE, CHIMES/ DRUMS, READERS, ART DESIGN) after 6:00 from the children's choir room, so come there first, whatever time you can make it.
Cherub Choir - for preschool children ages 3 -5, will rehearse 6:00-6:30 in the preschool Sunday school room. They will work on a few songs to present for the program on March 2.
March 2 -BSUMC kids and Unity kids will come together in the afternoon for a combined rehearsal, share a snack supper and then present the program.
Everyone mark your calendars and plan to bring your children this winter. The time together, studying scripture and stories, and building community through music adds so much to the faith development of our kids. Church friends are forever friends!t goes here
Broad Street has a wonderful tradition of handbell choirs rings in worship and special seasonal programs.
Advanced Handbells
The Advanced Handbell Choir for youth and adults with experience ringing or playing a musical instrument, meets on Sundays at 9:30am.
Beginning Handchimes/Handbells
Beginning Handbells for adults and youth will be offered Mondays at 5:00-6:00 beginning March 24, 2025 upstairs in the Handbell Room. No experience is neccessary! Just contact Cynthia@bsumc.org to sign up, and come have fun learning to ring!
Handbell Rehearsal before the service on Pentecost.