Date: Friday, 10-12:00

February 2 – March 22 and September 6 – October 25

No Pickleball OCT 11

Location: BSUMC Gym

Registration: NO Cost: $0

Who: Broad Street Family & Friends

Instructors: Linda Eldredge and Barry O’Neal

Barry O’Neal and Linda Eldredge are retired veterinarians, who learned how to keep fit. They’ve been playing racquet sports, all their lives, but started playing pickleball about eight years ago. They now play 2 - 3 hours a day most weekdays.

They don’t expect you to start with all that though! No experiences required.

Barry and Linda will introduce rules, skills, and strategy in the first class. They will build you up class by class. If there’s enough interest by the end, they will schedule a church tournament. Sounds fun. No equipment is required, but bring your own paddle if you have one. And dress for exercise and wear shoes for gym floor.

If you have ever played badminton, tennis, ping pong, or racquetball, you're going to love pickleball. If you don't have prior experience with those sports, you're going to love pickleball.

It's the fastest growing sport in the country for a reason . . . its fun, it's fast, & anyone of any age or fitness level can play it.