We are excited to go to Resurrection again January 19-21! We will take a group of students and adults to Pigeon Forge for the weekend to stay in a cabin together and participate in a weekend of worship and fellowship with each other and thousands of other youth and leaders from United Methodist Churches in our Holston Conference and beyond. For more information about Resurrection, the band, and speaker check out the link to the Resurrection website.
Please register at the “Registration” link below by Sunday, December 3rd and complete the medical release form (new for 2024-25) by January 19. The “Make a Payment” link is available for you to make payments as you are able between now and January 19.
It costs $150/student to register which helps cover the ticket, lodging, and food for the weekend. A $25 deposit is due upon registration.
We want to remove any barriers we can that might prevent you from registering for Resurrection (or any event). If financial circumstances are a barrier, please let Kyle Stokes know - kyle@bsumc.org or 423-650-1074.
CELL PHONES: We strongly discourage bringing electronic devices, but if you do bring your cell phone we will have a lockbox that we will put them in at night and during the worship sessions for the safety and benefit of the students. They will be available as needed during the day but we want our time together to be as unplugged as possible.