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U & I Thanksgiving

SAVE THE DATE! - Sunday, November 19
U & I Thanksgiving
COMMUNITY WIDE Celebration 4-6:30 pm

U & I Community Thanksgiving Celebration November 19

Sit down meal served at 4 pm, short program to follow

Please bring your family, invite your neighbors and let us join in table fellowship to give thanks!  Turkey/Dressing/Gravy and Rolls are provided. Vegetables/Salads and Desserts are needed.  Please bring all food in disposable containers.  

Please bring desserts by 12 noon that day so that they can be divided and ready for serving.  Please have all other food at the church no later than 3:15 pm.

Servers/Greeters and persons to Set-up and Clean-up are needed.  Please contact Mary Ketchersid, 464-6432 or


In addition, you may purchase take out meals to give to special friends or neighbors who are unable to come to the meal.  To order use this link


 OR use the forms available in the church office.  Cost is $7.50 per meal. Ceasar Thomas is preparing these, they will be ready to deliver at 5:45 following the program in the sanctuary.


Consider these GIFTS
FOOD - Vegetables, Salads, Desserts
(bring in disposable containers)

PLEASE bring desserts by 12 NOON

All other food by 3:15 pm or earlier

 Assist with basic set-up at 12 noon
 Carve turkeys at  1 pm  
 Prep desserts and tables at 2pm  
 Greet, serve at 3pm
 Clean-up and Deliver at 6 pm

God's blessings are abundant let us celebrate and give thanks on November 19!