The gift of a new year and new beginnings is literally just around the corner. At Unity Center there are countless opportunities to help others with "new beginnings"...to learn to read or read better, to understand how to think through and answer a homework assignment, to learn a new skill, to learn a new game, to learn a new vocabulary word, to make a new friend, to learn how to resolve conflict better, to find hope, joy, love or peace when they seem to be missing, to be the hands and feet of Christ when others may not have experienced that from someone. We hope you will join the Unity Center community and help others with "new beginnings."
Regular sessions for the FUTURE After School program begin on Monday, January 8 (3-5:45 pm). Tutor and Volunteer Training will be offered Tuesday, January 16 at 6 pm. We do hope you will pray about and consider this opportunity for serving, for being the hands and feet of Christ, for being a part of countless "new beginnings" in the lives of children and youth.
Questions: contact Mary Reynolds at 478-1661, mreynolds@bsumc.org or David or Mary Ketchersid 464-6432, mhketch@bsumc.org, bdketch@bsumc.org