Grant Applications

The Board of Trustees announces the following dates for the 2024 grant application process:

August 27, 2024 – Grant application available

October 2, 2024 – Submission deadline

January 15, 2025 – Award notification

The grant FAQ, application, and process has changed.

Groups interested in applying for a grant must submit their request on the 2025 grant application.

Only those requests submitted on the 2025 application will be considered.

The grant FAQ and application is available for download below.

The application is available in Word or PDF format.

Completed applications should be turned in to the Church Business Office.


Mattie Straley Long Grants

Mattie Straley Long died on December 26,1905.

In her will she bequeathed $100 to the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South (Broad Street Methodist Church) and $100 to the Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church South (Broad Street Methodist Church).

Since that time the funds have been invested by the above-mentioned societies, later to be known as United Methodist Women.

According to her will the interest from the investment has been awarded annually, 50% to local missions and 50% to foreign missions. 

Applications for the grants are now available in the office or on line. The applications must be turned in by October 2, 2024. The grants will be awarded by the Board of Trustees on January 15,2024

Complete applications should be turned in to the Church Business Office.